We Proudly Support Black Art In America

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blackartinamerica.com is a new site that was created by Najee Dorsey and Janelle Dowell that is dedicated to African American artists and collectors. We are proud to support their efforts. If you'd like to support them please contact Najee Dorsey for information on how to do so. 

If you are a BAIA member please contact us about special pricing as well as opportunities for displaying your work on our site.

Herb and Dorothy

Monday, September 20, 2010

Herb and Dorothy are our hero's. They built one of the most important American collections  on government salaries. If you haven't seen the movie yet we recommend you watch it. It's truly inspirational.

Calling All Artists

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Go this link http://my-artcollection.com/discover_artists/ and submit your art. 

It is a brand new service we created and you can do it for free. All you need to do is post a canned blurb or make up your own about our product on your facebook, twitter or blog and submit the link when you send in your art. 

Follow the directions on the page, it's easy.

Our site gets a lot of hits from serious collectors all over the world so it is a great way for you to market yourself directly to people who have a passion for buying art. 

Thanks for submitting and good luck! If you have any feedback please send it my way as it is greatly appreciated. 

Procter and Gamble Using My Art Collection

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Procter and Gamble are well known for their love of the arts and of their collection of some of the finest pieces of art Cincinnati has to offer. Today they just became a customer of ours and we could not be more pleased. It is always a delight to know that any loved collection is managed with the products we build. It is icing on the cake to know that a collection of such grandeur is trusted to our products.